From the AOC we work to comply with the principle of minimization of data requested from citizens and with the obligations of law 39/15.

All this has led us to consciously design (with the corresponding internal functional and legal review) each of the current screens that appear in the service, and expressly the postal address is an element that we understand must be minimized for the promotion of electronic notification/communication (faster and cheaper and which is de facto the standard as it has to be available at headquarters). In fact, the "postal address" field is always available as an optional field, and as such is only displayed for those who wish to incorporate it (without explicitly encouraging it). In fact, we even indicate the cases and limitations of use set by law. Specifically for:

• Legal persons.
• Entities without legal personality (communities of owners, temporary unions of companies, etc...).
• People who act in the exercise of a professional activity subject to compulsory association (notaries, registrars, lawyers, etc...).
• Employees of the AAPP who act as public employees.
• People who represent any of the above subjects.

However, it is clear that there may be some procedure in which it may involve making amendment requests, but from the AOC, and beyond complying with law 39/15 and the RGPD, we have the firm intention of promoting the electronic use as the main communication channel and reduce the impact on data entry by citizens ("let's make it easy"), and especially in those data that are optional.
It is for this explanation that we do not ask for postal information.