Currently the only existing processing platform is e-TRAM 2.0, it may be that yours has passed to us on version 2.0 coming from the previous one (1.0) and you have a link to review. This fact will depend on each entity (and how it interacts with its website, electronic headquarters and transparency portal), but we can usually group them in different areas:

Environment of the entity's website

Here we can enhance in different ways access to the catalog of procedures or specific procedures, through links, banners... In both aspects it will be necessary to modify the links that lead to version 1.0 of the e-TRAM (old version) both in the catalog generic or specific procedures.
In the following image you can see an example of a website (Country Council of Pla d'Urgell), where you will need to make a change at the level of links on your website (in yellow):

Specifically, this council had to link to the new e-TRAM 2.0 environment the link to the generic instance (file of the procedure in question), and the link to procedures and management (catalogue of procedures).
It should be noted that others also advertise other procedures prominently on their corporate website, such as the complaint and suggestion procedure, or the request for access to public information. In these cases it would also be necessary to adjust the links.
With regard to banners, in the case of the Pla d'Urgell Regional Council website, there are no specific ones for a specific procedure in the catalog, or in the procedures catalog itself (yellow). Yes in the electronic headquarters but this does not change.

Electronic headquarters environment

In the environment of the electronic headquarters portal, if you use our own solutions, you will have to do a detailed review of the different existing links and banners. In the majority of cases of use of the AOC solutions, it will be necessary to review in particular:

1) Those highlighted on the front page of the electronic headquarters
Following the example of the Regional Council of Pla d'Urgell, they have had to deal with the following links:

2) In the banners on the front page of the electronic headquarters
It may be another area that needs to be reviewed. In the case of the Regional Council of Pla d'Urgell, the highlight on the right has also been changed by adding specific processing information, so the link has had to be updated.

Transparency portal environment

In the environment of the transparency portal, as in the headquarters, if you use our own solutions you will have to do a detailed review of the different existing links and banners. In the majority of cases of use of the AOC solutions, it will be necessary to review in particular:

1) Those highlighted on the front page of the transparency portal
Following the example of the Regional Council of Pla d'Urgell, they have had to deal with the following links:

2) Manual adjustments to items
In the transparency portal we find different items that you must validate:

– Item “ Exercise of rights relating to the protection of personal data
In this item you must edit and incorporate the link to the procedure in question:

Items of the “ Services and procedures ” family, subfamily of “ Procedures
In this family you will need to review the following items (yellow):
▪ "Generic instance"
▪ "Request for access to information"
▪ "Suggestions, complaints and proposals"
▪ "My personal space" (with redirection to the citizen folder). Note: You most likely already have this item automated.
▪ "Catalogue of formalities and procedures"