When citizens complete a procedure with e-TRAM 2.0, you will be able to have the following information in your record (via MUX Download):

1) Receipt of the request in PDF format.

This document (pdf) is the receipt of the request and bears a name associated with the person, date and type of procedure generated, being an authentic copy of the data provided to us by the person who performed the procedure (which we also attach as form.pdf).

The receipt includes a cover in standard EACAT format that includes the registration data, date time, or "hash" of the attached documentation among others. On the second and subsequent pages you can find the specific request e-TRAM integrated (the so-called form. pdf). In addition, as an attachment to the same pdf of the receipt, the evidence of the ordinary signature of the procedure is included-

2) XML of the request
It is the first attached document that includes in XML format the details of the request made by the citizen. The attachment you will receive has this form: etram-tramit.xml

3) Other attachments.
Finally, and as long as attachments (documents, photos, etc.) have been included in the processing, via MUX Download you will also have them available in your registration. Each e-TRAM 2.0 transaction allows up to a maximum of 20 attachments (of different formats, each up to 50 MB) per transaction.