Request prior report on fires

As of March 1, 2024, the processing of fire prevention requests is integrated into the ecosystem of the Single Business Window (FUE), so that the holder can process directly at the General Directorate of Prevention, Extinction of Fires and Rescues (DGPEIS) the request for the prevention report, thereby speeding up the administrative processing. This new application method is valid both for activities in annex 1 and for sporadic or one-off activities.

What does this change imply at the processing level?

At the outset, the Generalitat de Catalunya has created a new specific procedure with the following name:

Fire prevention and safety report

This procedure is provided in two ways:

  1. For permanent activities (annex 1 of Law 3/2010)
  2. For sporadic activities (article 23 of Law 3/2010)

This procedure is processed differently according to the holder's profile.

  • If the owner is a private person, he must process the previous fire report through Canal Empresa and subsequently, the City Council will receive it through EACAT in its registry originating from the Department of the Interior.
  • If the owner is a City Council, it must process the report to the Generalitat Fire Department through the specific procedure of EACAT (procedure available at EACAT, provider: Department of the Interior).

Important: This new procedure coexists with the current municipal procedure available on Canal Empresa and which you can find on your processing web portals.

Therefore, the current municipal procedure (via e-TRAM) is maintained in order to comply in the event that the holder has to issue a building permit or activity permit, as provided for in the fire regulations . Therefore, private owners will use this municipal procedure to request the previous fire report.

In the event that the owner is the town hall, it will be done through the EACAT.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the procedure offered by the Generalitat de Catalunya does not apply in the specific case of Barcelona City Council, nor of the municipalities of the Val d'Aran (Arres, Bausen, Bòrdes, Bossòst, Canejan, Les, Naut Aran, Vielha e Mijaran, and Vilamòs), since the Barcelona Fire Department and Fire Department respectively are responsible (and not the Generalitat de Catalunya Fire Department) and, therefore, these councils only maintain their current municipal procedure .

What changes are there to the e-TRAM procedure to adapt it to the new reality?

1) The title of the form is changed to adapt it to the new proposal required by Canal Empresa, becoming: Previous report of fires during the processing of works or activities.

2) The procedure sheet and the form are adapted to this new reality, and the SP02 model is no longer mandatory. You can consult the new file proposal available on Canal Empresa at the following link.

3) An informative text has been added to the procedure form so that people/companies are aware of this new feature and can process directly with the service offered by firefighters (except for Barcelona and Vall d'Aran City Council who must follow with the current model).

And what should I do if I have my procedure with e-TRAM ?

If you have this municipal procedure via e-TRAM, be aware that from May 15 you will have the automatic adjustments by default (both on the file model and on the form).

Only if you have customized the procedure sheet, you will need to edit the changes and adjustments you consider

What if I am an FUE but do not use the e-TRAM file and form model?

In this case, you will need to adapt both the sheet and the form to the standard model, available on Canal Empresa. To this end, we indicate the link where you can consult the details of the file.