When you access entity administration, a list of all entities you have permissions to is displayed. To manage the forms of an entity, you must click on "Manage forms" of the entity to modify its forms
Once you have accessed this option, a list will appear with all of the entity's available e-Tram 2.0 forms.
On this page you can perform the following actions for each of the forms:
- Activate / Deactivate: Activate or deactivate a procedure, when a procedure is Deactivated / Inactive it is not accessible to anyone.
- Lower / Raise level: Change the authentication level.
- Level 1: No authentication required with Valid.
- Level 2: Authentication required with Valid.
- Links (
- Procedure link: Copy to the clipboard the link to the procedure for that entity.
- Download form link: Copy to the clipboard the link to download the procedure (docx) for that entity.
- Edit (
): Shows the editing page of a procedure
To change the visibility of a specific procedure, you can do it through the list using the " Activate / Deactivate " option, which will be active if it is green and in red, Deactivated.
To modify the authentication of a procedure, you can do it from the list of available forms with the option "Lower / Raise level" which will have one option or another depending on the current level. For example, if it is with level “ 1 – No authentication ”, the available action will be Upload
When the authentication level of a procedure is changed you will always be asked to accept the change.
It is also possible to do the different actions by going to the editing page of a procedure using the " Edit " button, which allows you to perform different actions.
To change the visibility of a procedure on the editing page, go to the "Active?" section. located under Description and click Activate if it is inactive (a red flag is displayed) or Deactivate if it is active (with a green tick).
If what is desired is to modify the authentication level, you must go to the following section of "Authentication level" on the editing page of a procedure and select from the list which level is desired.
Finally, you will need to save the changes using the "Edit" button located at the bottom left of the form editing page.